Research shows that caffeine improves strength, muscle endurance and anaerobic performance and last but not least, accelerates fat loss.

Caffeine accomplishes this last feat by increasing the amount of catecholamine’s in your blood, which are chemicals that mobilize fat stores to be oxidized. This, in turn, raises your body’s basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of energy it burns at rest.

The more energy your body burns every day, the more body fat you can lose, and that’s why caffeine is an effective fat burner.

As well as increasing the rate of fatty acid metabolism, caffeine also decreases the rate of carbohydrate (glucose) metabolism during aerobic exercise. Every study done on the effects of caffeine during aerobic exercise that has measured muscle glycogen levels has found that glycogen is spared after ingestion of only 150 to 250 mg of caffeine. Increased reliance on fat and decreased reliance on glucose and glycogen translates into increased aerobic exercise endurance and increased time to exhaustion. In addition to this, for a given amount of calories used during exercise, more calories will come from body fat if caffeine is consumed before exercise.

There are downsides to using caffeine as a weight loss aid. Firstly it loses its effectiveness over time as you become desensitized to it. Secondly being that it cannot be used late in the day as it will likely keep you awake at night you have to make sure to time your intake as rest is as important.

It is possible to mitigate this first issue by cycling your intake, another way to make caffeine more effective is to co-ingest it with other natural substances that amplify its effects.

For example, research shows that a molecule called naringin found in grapefruit juice can help caffeine remain longer in your bloodstream.

The amino acid L-Ornithine has also been shown to maximize the effects of caffeine.

Caffeine will not help you lose weight on its own, but when taken before aerobic exercise, can increase fat burning and help you exercise longer by delaying the onset of fatigue. Caffeine will not have any beneficial effect on anaerobic exercise.


As a herb, green tea has been praised for its natural ability to aid the body in fat loss and is one of the more natural options when it comes to giving your metabolism a boost. Containing plant-derived polyphenols it acts to increase your livers’ ability to process out the fat.

The active ingredient in green tea that produces fat loss is catechines which are responsible for many of the beverage’s health benefits. These are antioxidants that have been found to help the body lose abdominal fat and improve triglyceride levels. Catechins accomplish this by blocking an enzyme that breaks down adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are chemicals that mobilize fat stores and increase basal metabolic rate.

The inhibition of this enzyme allows these fat-burning chemicals to remain in your blood for longer periods, which increases the amount of fat you lose.


Carnitine plays a key role in the mobilization of body fat for fuel in the body. It is for this reason that it has become popular as a dietary supplement. The theory is, the more L-carnitine you can ingest, the more fat your body will burn because the L-Carnitine transports the fatty acids to the mitochondria where the fatty acids are oxidised for fuel, thus the bodily levels of L Carnitine are a rate-determining step in this process.

Athletes like it because a greater dependency on fat for fuel would spare precious carbohydrates, increasing aerobic endurance. You can grab our PhD L-Carnitine to implement into your supplements easily.


L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that the body uses for the creation of the neurotransmitters adrenaline and noradrenaline. In addition to these, tyrosine is also used in the body to create dopamine. And a final layer that’s beneficial for your fat loss goals, tyrosine is used by the body to make the thyroid hormones t3 and t4, both essential to metabolism.

When adrenaline and noradrenaline go up, so does your heart rate and body temperature. With this increase comes a bigger caloric usage, and of course, you want this reaction to occur – it’s the root of the workings of all thermogenic compounds. It also plays a role in helping to reduce appetite.

When your dopamine levels increase, you have a greater sense of well-being, and the body’s stress hormones are also reduced. This will allow you to not only be in a better mood, and allow you to train with greater focus and clarity, but you’ll also be able to recover better as well post-workout. And the final benefit of l-tyrosine, the thyroid’s usage to create t3 and t4 has huge implications in aiding with fat loss.
As you diet (and the longer you do) the body’s production of t3 can become greatly reduced. So boosting the body’s ability to at least try to bring levels a little bit back up to baseline can find you ploughing through calories once again as your metabolism surges.

Studies have shown that including tyrosine in a fat-burning stack can increase the fat loss to a great degree.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a slightly altered form of linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid important to human health.

CLA cannot be produced by the human body, but it can be obtained through foods such as whole milk, butter, beef, and lamb.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a potent anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogen, and anti-catabolite, as well as a powerful immune system enhancer Some of the commonly known benefits of CLA supplementation are fat burning, building and retention of lean muscle, and is a cancer fighter.

Some other suggested benefits of CLA supplementation include lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, lowers insulin resistance and enhances the immune system. CLA supplementation was also shown to improve the lean mass to body fat ratio, decreasing fat storage, especially on the abdomen, and enhancing muscle growth. CLA achieves this reaction by it reduces body fat by enhancing insulin sensitivity so that fatty acids and glucose can pass through muscle cell membranes and away from fat tissue. This results in an improved muscle to fat ratio.

Compelling evidence also indicates that CLA can promote a more efficient metabolic function as well as reduce body fat. The unique mechanism by which this fatty acid protects against disease makes it an important addition to any supplement program.

For optimal CLA production, cows need to graze on grass rather than be artificially fattened in feedlots. Studies and research findings have shown that the meat and milk from grass-fed cows contain up to four times as much CLA as their non-grass-fed counterparts, hence why PhD Nutrition only use grass-fed whey and milk protein in our products.

Approximately 3.4 grams of CLA per day is the level needed to obtain the beneficial effects of CLA on body fat. Studies using this dosage have shown that CLA doesn’t make a big fat cell get little. What it rather does is keep a little fat cell from getting big. In regards to CLA supplementation, it would be wise to use those whose isomer content is similar to naturally occurring CLA such as those containing high levels of c9, t11 CLA, which are found in PhD CLA.


We are creatures of adaption, It is often cited that an effective strategy to fat loss is to bring one weapon to the battle at a time, whether that be dropping calories gradually, increasing cardio gradually and introducing a fat burner into the mix only when a plateau has been reached, rather than throw everything at it all at once. This is a sound strategy, it kind of makes sense, but in some respects unnecessary.

One more thing to note before you go out and buy ALL of the fat burners in the PhD range.

Different people respond to each supplement differently. We are all unique and some of the mechanisms by which these fat burners operate may not be suited or needed in every individual. Some supplements work better than others for some people.

Therefore it’s probably a better idea to try each one separately at first to make sure you get the results your money paid for, before investing and consuming a multitude of various fat burners. It may be you get a good result from 3 of them, if so great, by all means, use them, but if the other 2 don’t work for you, it is better to spend that money on something else that you will benefit from.

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